The story of a house built around - a door.
Yes, this 8’ x 8’ X 11’ tall greenhouse all started from a referral. When I met with Robert and Colleen Roberts, they described what they wanted; an aesthetically pleasing greenhouse to grow starts for their tree farm. During the conversation, they asked if it would be possible to include a door they purchased nearly 30 years before!
The backstory; Robert & Colleen bought this door to install in a home they were remodeling but didn’t realize that buidling codes had changed and that this custom-made, non-thermal, single-pane door would not please the nanny-state code enforcement polizi, so it went into their garage and sat. They moved and it went in to their garage and it sat some more. They moved again but were getting tired of hauling around an expensive door too beautiful to just dispose of in a cavalier way, so it sat and sat and sat some more - until they met me, upon hearing their story, I said “Absolutely!”
This is the place all set up and working as intended. It is situated just off their back yard leaving it viewable as yard art. Pass the wine and hors d'oeuvres!
Here is it set up at the Recycled Arts Festival at Esther Short Park, Vancouver Washington. It sure grabbed a lot of attention!
Here is demonstration of how it all fits into the back of a standard pickup. Also of note, no tools were used to assemble it on site!
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