Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by Dave Wise

Thanks, Dave. This is nice, very nice. I should clarify one thing:

Free subscribers get a story and a bunch of scenic pictures (usually around 5) from my portfolio every five days or so. The photos are reduced in size & quality so that they look good in your browser, but are too crude to print or use for "wallpaper."

Paid subscribers get a couple of full-size, full-resolution images per month that are good enough to make big prints out of that you can hang on your wall. Free subscribers get those images a coupla weeks later, in reduced size and quality.

My stock agency charges twenty bucks for a "personal use license" to one of my photos - the same rights you get, twice a month, from a paid subscription. If you're looking to decorate your home or office with my stuff, the paid subscription is a pretty good deal.

Again, Dave, thanks for the fulsome praise. I need it! (every artist needs it)

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I would very much appreciate it if you would write an edit to the areas that need clarification and I will redact the post as soon as I am able. I hope this post of mine will help you get more subscribers because you do fantastic work, and as you say, ALL artist need support. I also hope that it will help you to cast out any self-doubt you may have, a syndrome we artists are all susceptible to. Send me your rewritten idea of where I am in error and I will insert it with the quickness.

Good luck my friend.

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Nah, you're fine. Thanks for the good words you've put in.

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